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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's a Spirit of Self-Control, Not Self-Righteousness.

I’m not a particularly political person. I don’t go to rallies or participate in heated debates. I’m not getting my panties in a wad over the current healthcare issue, or demanding immediate resolution to our nation’s economic crisis. It is what it is, people. Government can’t fix everything.

Not even if we were served by the administration that you WISH had been elected.

I didn’t vote for President Obama. I was disappointed at the election’s results, but the fact remains. He is the leader of our nation and as Americans, and especially as Christians, we are called to support him. Let me just say, I am not in favor of blindly following anyone. Those who know me know that I tend to have questions. It’s not necessarily driven by doubt, but I typically have questions for those in leadership. And if a leader is a true leader, they can handle answering a few questions from little ol’ me.

Last night at a school parent meeting, I learned that President Obama is going to address America’s school children next Tuesday, September 8th at 11am Central Time. I was a little surprised, but not shocked. Fellow parents, it’s not a scandal. I’m pretty sure he is not going for mass brainwashing. He’s the President. He’s facing the sad reality of our nation’s terrible drop-out rate, and he’s going straight to the source. The kids.

Why are conservatives so upset? Because you want your children to retain the right to drop out mid-way through their education? Trust me… they’ll still drop out if you let them.

Seriously though. What are you teaching your children by resisting the broadcast of this speech? One parent compared this impending address to Adolph Hitler’s propaganda. Really? Hitler? Really.

There were several parents at last night’s meeting who declared that they would be removing their children from school during the address. I doubt they’ll back it up, but even if they do… They’re only inviting trouble down the road. These parents will be teaching their children that, if they don’t want to listen to a person of authority, they should just walk away. Or plug their ears. Peaceful protest? Perhaps. But it seems more like defiance to me.

And what will happen later, when YOU are the authority figure that your child doesn’t want to hear? When they walk away or block out your voice, will you smile and say “Aww, look at that! Look at my little conscientious objector. I’m so proud!”? I don’t think so.

I am looking forward to next Tuesday with this in mind:

For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-control.
2 Timothy 1:7

What is there to fear? Nothing can stand against God. I have to trust that God has ordained those who come into power. I am praying for President Obama, that his time in office will be purposeful, that his leadership will be respectable, and right now I am praying that his speech on Tuesday will be pleasing to God. Not pleasing to me. Not pleasing to you. Pleasing to GOD.

I plan to lean on Him, and fully invoke this spirit of power, love, and self-control as I talk with my children about President Obama’s address. Ultimately, I wield far more power over my children than any president. My words and actions have a much greater personal impact on them. I want to show my children a broad display of love and grace in this and all circumstances. I commit to exercise self-control as we speak about our great country, her leader, and his authority. Whether or not I agree with his words, he has authority here.

As my children view President Obama’s address in their classrooms, I plan to be informed. I will be watching the speech here on my home computer. I would encourage all other parents to do the same.

Also, read up on what has been communicated to your child’s school:
Letter to school principals
Activities for Grades PreK-6 [PDF, 64K]
Activities for Grades 7-12 [PDF, 108K]

I hope that this can be a beneficial experience for our nation’s children, in which they find encouragement and strength. I hope that this can be equally positive for our nation’s adults, that we embrace this opportunity to partner with our government for the sake of our children’s success.

I know this is a hot topic, and you want to sound off. Please comment. Share your thoughts and perspective!


  1. Well said. I am a conservative and I am not upset. I think its the idealogically blind conservatives that have a problem. To them, anything the dems do is wrong. If he was trying to drive home a political agenda I would be irked, but he is not, he is being our president.

  2. Carissa...Thank you so much for helping keep this in perspective. Actually, thank you for informing me as I had not yet heard about this.
    I love your views and comments - Well said, Girl!

  3. I fully agree with all your points. I think reacting this way makes Christians look threatened and irrational. On the other hand, sometimes you get to unpleasant places by degrees, so being watchful is commendable. It's tough as we straddle both realities in the light of Jesus' return.
    I respect Obama's authority and hope I am clearly expressing that to my kids. It almost means more to them, I think, since they know I didn't vote for him.

  4. I'm interested to know what Obama hopes to accomplish by this. I am all for encouraging kids to take learning seriously, but I don't think it's for lack of desire to learn that kids are failing in school. I know quite a few high school aged children that read below a fifth grade level. They can't do basic math. I *hope* he will promise these kids that he will do something to fix this problem.

    I'm remembering the War on Drugs and Just Say No from the Reagan administration- because that worked, no?

  5. Thank you all for your comments.

    Yes, Sabrina, Thursday afternoon a note came home explaining that the speech will not be shown live, but MAY be used as part of the curriculum at a later date. I'm disappointed. I think it's kind of sad that, out of fear, our children are missing out on being a part of a national event. I'll be watching the speech live, and then sharing it with my children after school.

  6. Love your post sweet friend. Great perspective!

  7. I read the speech today. Seriously people? You've got your panties in a bunch over that? Calm down.

    Although I didn't find it entirely diverse (what about the little Marks and Emilys around the world, Mr. President?), I didn't find it offensive and thought the overall message was a good one. Don't be an idiot, stay in school and try your best.

    Great post on perspective, CBoyd. I enjoyed it.
