Plexus Ambassador

I've just begun my journey as a Plexus Ambassador. By now, I'm sure you've heard of Plexus. Want to learn about what it can do for you? I'm here to help!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I kind of wish I had some rain boots but, sadly, those are not on the list.

We are one week into our Year Without Buying! This first week has been easy, although there is a beautiful wool hat, left unpurchased, that I lamented for the first couple of days. But I'm over it... I'm getting over it. The boys have, for the most part, stopped their chatter about the toys they plan to buy when the ban has been lifted. I’m thankful for the support and encouragement we have received. Some of you have asked us for details of our plan, which I promised to share, so here you go:

We aren’t living in squalor. We’ll purchase what is necessary to keep up our selves and our house, but nothing superfluous.

We will, of course, cover the basic needs of the family. The kids will not be going to school in rags. They have an insane amount of clothing as it is. On Friday, I pulled forty tee shirts from their closets. Forty. Tee shirts. And they still have plenty left to wear. This is a perfect example of the excess that I want to get out from under. Who needs that many shirts?!

No one.

When their shoes fall apart, which they inevitably will, we’ll figure something out. We’ll barter, hit garage sales or resale shops, or maybe hint around for grandparent intervention. I don’t know.

What I do know is that we serve a God who provides, and that whatever it is that we need, trusting Him, we shall have it.

So, without further adieu, here is a brief list of planned exceptions to our non-buying year.

Food. Of course.

Hygiene items. Because we’re on a mission to cut back on spending, not friends.

Cleaning products. See above. I'd like to add that I am looking into making some of our household cleaners instead of buying them. I already make our laundry detergent, so I’m sure that I could do more. Do you have a home-made cleaner that you use? Post your recipe in the comments!

Landscaping materials. Like plants and mulch and two-by-fours for garden boxes. No birdbaths, wind chimes, or garden gnomes.

Raw materials for homespun projects, as needed. Now, I know that this is a big loop-hole, but I’m determined not to get out of hand. Here’s the deal: We’ll be making gifts for Christmas and other occasions. While we have a LOT of various craftish supplies on hand, I’m sure that there will be little things that we run out of over the course of the year. And I am not about to deny my kids (or myself!) the joy of making a gift for someone because we ran out of paste.

I think that should do it! And, even thought I won’t be going out to buy any, if someone were to anonymously drop off a pair of size nine ladies rain boots, I would very humbly accept them. Just kidding.

Sort of.


  1. My favorite pair of shoes came from a thrift store. It was the first time I'd purchsed thrift store shoes, and I never new that you could get like-brand-new ones there. You can totally do it when their shoes wear out! And of's only a year, so how quickly do shoes really wear out?

  2. What size boot do you wear? I have some that I can donate to the cause!! They are size 9 or 10--super cute--black with white polka dots!

  3. Rachel Ann - I LOVE thrift stores. The majority of my wardrobe is thrifty-chic. ;) The only things I really can't ever see myself buying used are undergarments and hats. Bleh.

    Janae - You are such a DOLL! I wear a nine. Thank you so much!

  4. My favorite homemade cleaners:

    1/4c vinegar
    3c water
    20 drops peppermint essential oil
    (Makes the whole house smell so good)

    "Lysol Kitchen Cleaner"
    1/4c vinegar
    3c water
    Splash of tea tree oil
    20 drops grapefruit essential oil, or
    1/2 juice from a fresh grapefruit

  5. I know this is an old blog and who knows if you'll even see this. I just want to say what an inspiration you and Andy are to Tim and me. We have decided to try and tackle a year without spending as well, with a few planned exceptions, in hopes of tackling our debt so we can move on to other goals that are similiar to what you and Andy are doing right now. Keep up the good work and the faith.
    Melissa Barker

  6. Melissa, Thank you! That is very humbling. I hope your year goes well and that you are able to reach your goals!
